Sunday, October 12, 2008


ive always kept a diaries, travel journals, and scrapbooks of kind. simply because i dont trust my own memory (i dont rem half the names of the people in lse after summer) although i claim to be very good with names and faces. strangely when i leave a place, ie when i left tkgs, i find that i could no longer recall everyone's names; remember the events that happened while i was in tkgs; funny incidents, stories, gossips, all the drama. so i rely on my little memory aids. i guess ive always felt very afraid of not being able to remember things about my life; that my life will simply pass me in a flash and i find that i have lived, but i cant remember for what and how it was.

alas my computer crashed when i went jc and all the camwhore pictures of myself in sec sch is now lost. (thank god, but still). then now, i realised that some of my pictures didnt manage to copy onto my ext hard disk, as a result i have now, once again, lost some snippets of my life to computer virus. sigh, i am truly sad. the funny thing is, the old pictures are all very intact, its the recent ones that i lost. mostly from last year, so i really should try not to lose anymore pictures of my life!


bra. said...

tjy, omg how are u? haha. i happen to haf tons of unglam photos of u in vj =) meanwhile take caree so verymuch lol.

jiayun said...

hahaha what a surprise brandon soh icantremyourchinesename. oh wait RUI HAN! ha i knew that was still in my brain. unglam pictures please erm, just give it to me and dont show anyone else! ;)

bra. said...

pfft u nvr change =)

shangjun said...

ohman! :/ u lost some photos? how come?

jiayun said...

yeah i have totally no idea, i thought i copied it alright;(

Ummu Durrah said...

:) I get what you mean. Especially when I read the entries and go "WHAT??? I did that???" lol! :) Babes, I am missing you and guess what, 2 months 1 day to my wedding, and that means even closer to seeing you. Gosh... :)

jiayun said...

haha aw hey ;D i cant wait either! yest i was out having supper and i saw this grp of girls having a hen party and i thought of you :) hee