Wednesday, October 08, 2008

first week in school

and its been really alright considering classes havent started yet. nonetheless ive been very happy because i got to watch ingrid michaelson at monto's water rats last night. !!

im rather peeved cos none of the pictures i took did her justice- but i guess its rather hard to capture the kind of charm she had over her audience. haha she cracked alot of jokes and she was cutesy which surprisingly, i found very endearing. now on top of loving her songs, i love her ;)

best moment for me: when she tinkled the opening refrain of 'breakable' on the piano and everyone swooned ;)

after the concert she came out and interacted with us normal people, and in an effort not to lose the opportunity to get close to a star (my virgin experience) i had this chinese man to take my picture with her, which, was a very wrong choice (the chinese man not ingrid) cos you can only see our faces in the picture so im not showing that to anyone. what a waste!

opening acts of the show: i really liked this big curly haired doll called fiona bevan, so much so i even bought her cd after. when she did her bluesy rap thg she reminded me of a female jason mraz; her style was rather happy folksy and (huiije) and i really liked the lyrics.
although there was a swedish guy who had incredibly cool flippish hair which made my heart jump everytime he flicks it;)

so yeah school started well :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ingrid michaelson!!!

I am jealous.
