another cold cold day. but i like. ;D
went home with rachel today. welll. we had a rather interesting conversation about kindergarten, didnt we? *wink*
the rain was v heavy today on my way home. was watchin how the rain just hit against the window panes of the buses. n i kinda wished i was walking in the rain. haha. i always wished for tt, but nv did it. ;( haha i dun wanna get sick?
cant find the ranking for schools for 2003. haix wanna find out how tk did.
aniwae.. cant believe prelims has ended as soon as it started. okayy yesh we still have two more papers (physic prac n chem paper one) but seriously it feels gd to noe tt u've prepared for the papers n been thru it. nt say ive done v well but at least, i tink its better den mid yrs hahaah. oh well.
aniwae.. i'm most prob gonna pierce my ears soon if my sis stops complainin bout me getting everythg two yrs before her. shes quite sad bout it, haha. heyy for those who nv notice my ears, they un-holely. ;D haha its nt too difficult to guess y my sis n i r piercing our ears rite? n we kinda had a hard time makin our ma say 'yes'.
shaggy's summertime roX
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