Wednesday, May 20, 2009

tonight, you belong to me

;) just discovered that cute little song through random youtube surfing. yes, it is steve martin singing! i will always remember him as the guy from that movie we (my family) loved to watch when i was younger. the one with the sequels and then his wife and his daughter got pregnant at the same time. (not as mr pink panther).
and then i started clicking on all the different covers of the song. mostly are done in the 60s so all from vinyls it seems.

so, i went through all four seasons of criminal minds and hence im left with no more online entertainment. just in time for the last stretch of exams i guess;( OR, i could start with 30 rock, hm.

i am totally surviving on one meal a day. studying keeps me alive!


oinkypig said...

so apparently i have one less friend because i THOUGHT she was busy studying..

jiayun said...


eugenia said...

babe! go check out pretty flowers, on steve martin's new album also. megan and michael performed it during idol finals, and it's such a old school country song haha