Monday, March 10, 2008


this has got to be my most effective weekend since my time in london. (notwithstanding the fact that im still procrastinating on my essay) but i did notes! i now have little hearts as bullet points (as long as it makes me happy to look at it ).

and im feeling so much better already. i think watching antm till 6am actually helped hm;)

then i went around surfing for jimmy liao's pictures. i got reminded of how much i love his little books although i never get down to buying any. i think id try to fashion my next blog layout on his pictures. i actually found one that i really like - but im no genius at html so it'd prob take me forever to get it right. shall wait until i actually have the time. meanwhile id just change my laptop desktop pic (bye bye mister ck man)

am listening to sov 05;) i actually feel my spirits being lifted which is an amazing thing. i think i really miss choir despite how i always claim that i was never really a part of choir. i think its the singing i miss;) and the fooling around (outside sectionals yes haha) and all you choir girls sigh.

oh what id give to be a silly frivolous jc girl all over again.

then again roshni promised to come down nxt week so that makes me very excited ;)

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