Wednesday, October 31, 2007

somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high

have been feeling quite sick, didnt go to school yesterday. spent the whole day sleeping and doing whatever readings i can (which really wasnt alot) and then today i woke up and felt like shit again but okay i made myself get up and went for two lectures. glad i did cos i saw mail for me!;) boy did that make my day ;)

from my sis! ;) i cant wait till she comes over for christmas! although that will mean me having to finish my applications which doesnt leave me with much time but OH wells. :) shes always been my rock, my huge pillar. i know things have changed, both for you and me, but hey i still love you and im glad your life has been better with all thats happening;) im always on your side, remember that!

from hianchuan;) haha yes big man you really do make pretty presents. i showed jon your pres and he was like 'so pretty which girlfriend of yours gave you that?' ;) but hey its a compliment okay once i saw the handwriting on the envelope i knew it was you ahah. ;) thanks alot yeah, and yup im really glad our friendship has turned out so well. hurry come join me in this grey weather!
listening to the songs now i must say its a pleasant surprise what good songs you have.
'je ne vais pas travaille!'

aand so im feeling gloomy no more ;)


Anonymous said...

I understand that french line!! (: haha. oh and i really love that "oui" ring too! I was showing my friend and she said her dream is that her future husband will propose to her on Eiffel tower with the diamond-encrusted white gold 'oui' ring. lol. ;)


jiayun said...

haha! yeah i saw that diamond encrusted one at first but i thought the gold one looked more quaint. ;) hey dear hope life's well for you!

Raihana said...

tu parles francais!
mail ah, woah woah (:

jiayun said...

ahha, oui, j'ai chaud.

Raihana said...

qu'est-ce que "chaud"?

hced said...

arrrr haha the stalker is baccck! eh the envelope looks super crushed and crumpled. when i posted it was all crisp and neat! lol im so glad u love the present haha no worries i'll be joining u very soon!

hced said...

it's je ne veux pas travailler! or so the lyrics wrote

jiayun said...

ahah. okay chaud means hot. if thats the correct spelling :D so j'ai chaud means i'm hot. hahaha. i think its the only thg i learnt frm french last yr;)

hced said...

but you're not chaud. cos u are in europr right now and it's frickin cold. so u are anti-chaud.