Wednesday, November 28, 2007

the most adorable strawberries

they all look incredibly cute. they're really small and they all look so perfect. every single one looked like a little heart shape if you hold them upright and they all had a perfectly symmetrical leafy thing on top. but of course i finished them in one sitting - with sugar drizzled on top :) just the perfect way to eat your strawberries!

had a very productive night - and wound up with gu ice cream and greys, again. not being able to wash my hair is a good excuse to not exercise! but then again i do wish my wound would heal faster so that i can do normal stuff again (i.e. wash my hair)

and jerald just threatened me to stop skipping school cos he doesnt want to lend me anymore notes. oops;) it was just one weeeekk and now i have loads to catch up on. but its okay i kinda like what im learning now in year two (except property, i still dont like property theres something wrong with what we're studyingg)

time flies and i only have two more weeks left of school, then after christmas break i only have ten more weeks of school and its the end of my second year at LSE. i know maybe its become i spend alot of time lazing around and having a good time, but its just scary to know that so soon, so near, id be done with my studies and id start my life as a working adult.
cant wait;)


Anonymous said...

omg strawberries!!! remember how i wanted to milk cows and pluck strawberries? and you told me to feed the cows strawberry and i'd get strawberry milk. haha. (was it you? it sounds more like rai. hmmm) but anw... they look YUMMY!

jiayun said...

haha i think i said that cos i rem you looking at me and laughing really hard and i was thinking 'i thought everyone has heard of this joke before' ;)

see step by step i lure you to this wonderful land of nice strawberries and even nicer friend;)