oh happy day.
heh went for a SHORT shoppin spree today, though i tink we've covered all the places that we needed n wanted to go n see. i spent quite a lot today, considering the fact tt i dun norm spend much money when i go out wif my frens, haha bcoz i noe my mum's always there for me ;D
rach was wearin a very interesting shirt today. oh n she was wearin a *gasp* skirt!! haha k. i shall nt rub it in, ok? ;X oops haha.
met michelle at taka. she just finished her exams too! she'll be gong on sat too.. Ah. cant wait.
aniwae. the shoppin was fun. but i was so tired when i reached marina south tt i went to sit down at every opportunity.. ;x
arcade was fun too. i had fun wif yafen.. haha. we didnt wan to spend money, but i cldnt resist the temptation of playin house of the dead, so asked her to play wif me. we ended up playin three games ahahah. Aniwae. i tink i too long nv go arcade liao, didnt know there was a system of card instead of coins at arcade. oops. haha.
BTW. i still cant believe i paid 10dollars for a dinner meal. enough said. ;D
dinner was fun. of coz, thgs are always fun wif ppl lk sk n eve arnd. haha. u can count on eve for comic relief.. gosh now then i know she likes to eat vegetables. n mushrooms. n the yu bing wif the red stuff. n the tao pok. n the mussells. haha. that punk. hahah. n i kept getting splashed wif oil... my drink was kinda contaminated wif teeny black stuff. yucks. my hands were so oily frm peelin all the prawn shells.. i kept gettin free flow of prawns on my plate.
n i just heard a, quite saddenin news today. i mean, i really worry (for the future) if things are going to carry on like this. i mean, its nt the first case of these sort of thgs happenin. we saw a whole 'movement' last yr, n if tt's nt enough, there had to be some more this yr. Sorry, but i tink its a terrible loss to us. when my mum first heard it she linked it straight away to leadership. i mean, yup, leadership may be a very impt factor as to how thgs turn out, but isnt that the reason why we have democracy? so as to ensure that more than one voice is heard? sorry i'm talkin arnd in circles-- i'm (quote) deliberately purposely tryin to avoid talkin straight, or maybe i'm (quote) deliberately purposely avoidin sayin names n thus linkin to perhaps disastrous consequences.
k sorry bout the previous paragraph if u dun understand, but i thot i just had to say it, without specifying anythg.
Aniwae. my wonderful day ended up with us tryin to finish up all our food so they wont charge us for wasting food. Joy lah, go put the crayfish at our table, two big ones somemore. but we managed to finish those two, though we stuffed quite a lot of thgs among the waste ahah. n sk was happily talkin loudly about our evil n wicked plan to destroy evidence of unfinished food. hahaha *rolls eyes*
yup so today was really a happy day. ;D