Friday, April 10, 2009

in the wee small hours of the morning

mayling was so sweet- she brought me to a jazz and big band concert as my birthday present! :) stacey kent was really quite good; the BBC Big Band was rather entertaining, and then of course we spent half the time laughing at the drummer (who looks like a grown-up human version of Dexter) and a trombonist (who looks like Chandler when he was skinny and had a moustache). Dexter, i swear, looks like hes about to seize everytime the song ends with a big finish. it was absolutely thrilling to watch.

stacey kent looks so pixie, and her voice flows so effortlessly. we both liked her last song- in the wee small hours of the morning.

we were the youngest audience by a far age gap; the next youngest audience seemed to be around 40 years old. so may and i decided that we shall have to watch more of these concerts before music like these die out (literally, musicians get old too!) by the time we get old. seriously man, 'old music' for our generation will probably be britney spears doing her 50 years anniversary concert or something.

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