Friday, December 14, 2007

getting old

conversation between me and bra
bra: hey sorry i was afk when you pst me
bra: you noob(or smthg like that)
me: yeah im getting too old for your lingo
bra: yeah me and yj and shawn on the vent now
me: (gives up)

am i really getting too old for lingos? who the hell says afk and pst??


Unknown said...

you dunno wad's afk?! it's a very common term being used!

afk = away from keyboard.

oh dear me, i think u did lose a substantial amt of brain cells after the scaffolding incident....

jiayun said...

nah i reserve my brain cells for higher functions.

bra: whats asif?? haha stop it

bra. said...

uh duh -.-
as if!

Anonymous said...

hahhahahahahaa laughing my ass off at work as i read this...