Sunday, February 11, 2007

you realise

you're getting too heavy for your little body to take when

1. your feet ache whenever you wear 3inch heels. i alr knew that in dec so thats alright.
2. your knees get bruises after being goalie for floorball cos well, your knees jsut cant take the weight of your body on them! and REALLY bad bruises. i have no idea why.
3. when bing says you're losing your chin!! ive become so conscious of it okay i keep rubbin my chin nowadays. stupid bing. ;) nah okay i still love you MUACKS.

reading week's started! hail holidays. but first, library fines (AGAIN) cos i just hog the books and refuse to return them. but okay treat fines as my loan;)


Anonymous said...

omg! walao, eh kiat over exaggerates lor. hahahahahahaaha. IMISSYOUUUUUUU

Unknown said...

lol. anyone's feet will ache when they wear 3 inch heels. hahaha <3

santa monica said...

hey there.
happy chi new year!~
God bless~ =)

Anonymous said...

too much bak kwa
