Thursday, October 29, 2009

in the wee small hours of the morning

i woke up today, and the air was cold. there was a nice cool breeze blowing through my living room. the sun looked strong, and i made iced milo for breakfast. all morning i felt a sense of nostalgia- as if it was the december holidays and my mum was going to bring me to some cool place today, probably tangs to see the christmas decorations or the science centre.

i let that feeling of nostalgia linger on for a little longer, before it disappears and i have to start my revision for the day.


Joshua Koh said...

oi tai tai!!!! i love the song Poison & Wine! couldn't find the mp3 anywhere on the internet. still, thanks to my powers of piracy, i got it. =p so i was wondering if you'd like the mp3. (i'm afraid i've lost your gmail account)

jiayun said...

AHH yes please :)
my full name
thanks a lot! and i know you're heading back soon right ;)

Joshua said...

heading back?? i AM back. hahahaha! came back on tuesday the 17th. =p

Anonymous said...

updateee. haha, i miss reading your entries!