Monday, June 30, 2008

i said yes, you look wonderful tonight

it has been a long string of social engagements, and i am feeling pretty exhausted as i type this entry. but yes, summer has been really fun so far and ive been kept very busy even though my one and only partner has left for singapore and hasnt been replying my emails ;)

highlights of my summer since i last updated:

day 3 of wimbledon. got really sunburnt, and i dont think ancic is that hot. i did want to pinch(dont want to use too strong a word) this little kid who kept cheering for him though. i blame it on the scorching sun. and i do think samantha stosur looked absolutely fantastic. i googled her and someone thinks she lesbian (yay!)

hard rock calling, 28th june, hyde park. we were there for close to 8 hours, and the line up for the concert: jason mraz, john mayer, sheryl crow, and eric clapton. lets just say jason mraz should meet me cos i would make a fantastic mrs mraz ( i felt like a silly groupie but i couldnt stop squealing when he was singing, hes simply soo attractive, well, at least, to me). john mayer looks like an ah beng, esp now that i know he dates blonde actresses; sheryl crow has an amazing voice, and eric clapton is simply a legend. my fav moment was when he did 'wonderful tonight' and all the couples around me jsut started dancing. that got me all teary for a good while;) fav line of the concert :(by a band who did the opening act) i'm a receiver, you're a transmitter, so lets communicate. how original! :)
good music, fantastic weather, loved the artistes, lots of improv and jamming, and i couldnt have ended my summer in london with a better way.

leaving for poland in about 30 hours, and i must say i am looking forward to it. the corporate world, or trying to be in the corporate world, can be disillusioning and tiring, and i think i need to rediscover inspiration, again, for living, for passion, and for all the things i believe in. two and a half months is a long time to be away for, so dont miss me too much;)


gcheow said...

hey jiayun, VJChoir's in Manchester now. We'll be heading down to Llangollen tmr for competition and all. We'll all head down to London on 14th July and leaving on 16th July. Will you be around to meet up? :D

oinkypig said...

errr moo. she's kinda working in poland now. and she's been coming online really really seldom.