Thursday, November 16, 2006


so i havent updated for a month. okay more than that, since in three wks time i'll be making my way home (!!!) :D well not that ive been doing all my readings religiously, hence the lack of time to blog, but.. well. id rather email and talk to ppl:) although some people *ahem the pink one* simply refuses to pick up my calls.

i stepped on a thumbtack yeterday! it went straight into my heel. nope i didnt scream, i simply yanked the thing out. quite cool. may freaked out and came down with antiseptic wipes and all. but oh well i talked to the nurse today and she gave me an appointment (so nhs is not without compassion) even though they were full and the previous nurse had wanted me to go down tmr. so everythg's well. i wont be getting my lockjaw anytime soon:D but now the arm is aching, and in the nurse' words, it really feels like 'someone punched me in the arm'. ouch.

work on the other hand has just been piling up; or maybe now that im getting the hang of things im more willing/eager/enthusiastic to really read my books and know my stuff. we'll see how that goes;) first i have to tackle my esays.

london is turning yellow;) muaha. autumn is really here, yay. nottingham was really beautiful, and if you just take a moment and willingly allow yourself to freeze to death in the open, the trees are really quite gorgeous;) esp when the yellow leaves fell onto the green grass. it was like stepping into a picture perfect moment. ive deicded to walk around my area tmr for a short while and take some pictures;) was walking to sch today and i realised i had better take some pictures before all the leaves fall off.

(actually im in my library waitin for class to start and im supposed to do my readings for my next class. but aiyah. ;D )

i watched bentan's video and i thot it was fantastic;D ill ask him if i can post on my blog. haha. erm, but it was strange seeing ppl you know act. im sorry adrian lucas and ben when i saw you guys i just burst out laughing. esp when lucas did tt 'i dont give a damn' face HA HA HA. :D but gd video ben. though i dont believe jianhao sounds so gd! and yes lah gabriel nice music. ;)
i liked the last line ;)

and a point for celebration: George Clooney has been named 'Sexist Man Alive'.. AGAIN!. see i have gd taste. yummy yummy hahahah. ;)
girls quick go grab!


Anonymous said...

oh good god. you're actually alive.

and i can't believe you're going back to SG so soon.. hahaha <3

jiayun said...

and i cant believe YOU're not coming back. ;( but its okay come down london soon!:D

Anonymous said...

oh pleasseeeee.... pls dun force urself to say that my music's nice can? =P i dun like ppl to praise me for rushed jobs i do haha.

Anonymous said...

thanks for supporting. appreciate it alot. and yes you can post on your blog. glad that you enjoyed it! :)


Slynn said...

hey hey... how are you? yeps. Ben's movie was well done. i laughed at the Ben & Lucas part too. haha! some police they were. hmmm... hope ure doin great there... catch up soon.